Mojo Carp Soul Soup

Walking home from school to Grandma Takahashi's quarters in block #7
I passed Obasan Mina Makuuchi's quarters in #7
were the odors of ginger carp soup would draw me in*
Delectable, nourishing...I've yearned to recover it since...

Forty-five years later, needing revitalization,
I searched for her only remaining younger daughter**
Hoping she still boils my secret soul soup,
my mojo go juice,
my magic nectar of the gods

* Sis stayed with Mom's mother while Ma and Pa worked " outside "
** Aunt Dot whose memory was burned out about the camp like a hole in the donut

All Contents except where specified are copyright © 1986-1996 Munio Makuuchi, including the term "Aerogami"
All photographs except where specified are copyright © 1996 Josef LaVigne